The End of The World

So the world hasn’t ended yet I’m writing this and I know for a fact that it’s not plausible that it would anyway but this is merely for the sake of discussion…

Things I did to day

  • I worked on a bit a spiffed up the code here and there
  • I did a butt load of “IRL” chores
  • I made it so users could actually register on NocturtnalForums
  • considered the outcomes of hosting a public URL shortener
  • worked on making votifier work again on the SMP server
  • Listened a bunch of rap music and played Minecraft… Yes I sat back and played today
  • Talked with others on Podio about updates and why we aren’t yet
  • Got banned on the Bukkit IRC
  • Told countless people to downgrade Minecraft | LINK
  • Set and up an affiliate link for HostingBox

All in all it has been a pretty lazy day! and i don’t mind